Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Program Guru Penyayang

Program Guru Penyayang telah menjadi Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Antara objektif utama program ini adalah menyemai rasa kasih dan sayang guru kepada pelajar serta meningkatkan kehadiran murid ke sekolah.

Sehubungan dengan itu, satu majlis penyampaian hadiah hari lahir kepada pelajar telah dilaksanakan di SMK Hutchings pada 16 April 2013.

Latihan Kebakaran 2013

Satu sesi Latihan Kebakaran telah diadakan di SMK Hutchings pada 24 April 2013. Latihan ini melibatkan semua guru dan pelajar.
Tujuan Latihan Kebakaran ini diadakan adalah untuk mendedahkan warga SMK Hutchings agar sentiasa bersiap-sedia jika berlaku kebakaran. Warga SMK Hutchings juga turut diberikan taklimat dan pertunjukan cara-cara memadamkan kebakaran oleh pihak bomba. Sesi latihan kebakaran ini telah berjaya dilakukan dimana telah mendapat kerjasama yang begitu baik dari pihak bomba.

Pertandingan Kawad Kaki 2013 - KRS

Tarikh: 24 April 2013
Hari: Rabu
Tempat: SMK Ayer Itam

Penyampaian Hadiah Pertandingan Permainan Antara Rumah Sukan 2013

Tarikh: 31 May 2013
Hari: Ahad

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

To everything there is a season, ... 16 Nov. 2008, the season was right for a new Principal for SMK Hutchings. Like the other Principal he was meant to serve, its beginning were unpretentious. but like the people he served, there was no limit to the dreams he set set for the school, the heights it could aspire to, the achievements he could strive for.
Today, about 4 years and 2 months later, it is the season for change again. I will be leaving SMK Hutchings and to pass on SMK Hutchings to the my successor. Indeed I had a wonderful time serving in SMK Hutchings and the memories here will be treasured by me and the friendship will be honoured. To be honoured is a honour.To be honoured because one has done nothing more than answer an inner call to give the best of oneself to one's profession, to one's collegues, to one's community and to one's school (SMK Hutchings) ... that is the greatest honour of all. For it reflects on the honour of those who confer the honours.
Thank You SMK Hutchings, Thank You " Man Of Honour"

Signing off for the last time as Principal Of  SMK HUTCHINGS.
5 February 2013